Laser Tattoo Removal Risks

All laser treatments, including tattoo removal, that involve a beam being directed at and penetrating the skin have clear risks attached, and much depends on the training, skill and experience of the practitioner carrying out the procedure. With laser tattoo removal, multiple sessions are usually necessary to achieve the desired results, and this increases the possibility of something going wrong. Following deregulation of cosmetic laser treatments in 2010, procedures are now offered by a variety of providers, which has raised concerns not only about the qualifications of laser treatment practitioners, but also about the quality of the laser equipment used at clinics and salons.

Establishments offering laser tattoo removal treatments need to accurately assess a client’s skin type and sensitivity before their first procedure, most importantly to work out the intensity of the laser beam and the duration that it will be directed at the target area. Burns, associated skin damage like blistering, infections, keloid scarring and discolouration are all possibilities if the laser is set to too high a frequency or if the beam is directed at the skin for even fractionally too long. Prospective laser tattoo removal clients need to make sure that their chosen clinic or salon has an established record of carrying out laser treatments successfully, and that the pre-treatment care they receive is thorough and professional.           

As with all the treatments offered at laser clinics and beauty salons, clients have the legal right to expect that their procedure will be carried out in a reasonably competent manner. Currently, no formal qualifications are required for practitioners to offer laser treatments like tattoo removal to the general public, meaning that there are inevitably some establishments that should not be offering such procedures due to their lack of training and inexperience. 

We have recently dealt with cases where laser tattoo removal treatments have gone wrong, leaving clients injured and partially disfigured. In the resulting compensation claims we have recovered damages for pain and suffering, medical expenses (including the cost of corrective treatments) and loss of earnings due to time off work. Find out more:

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